Friday, February 5, 2010

You Be The Judge: Pure Stam > Mixed Stats?

So I recently ran VoA and got a nice Tier 7 chest piece. As you all know, I recently hit 80 so this is a welcome addition. The problem is, I'm not sure that putting gems into it and wearing it is better than the crafted item I currently have on my chest.

Now check this out. I currently have...
Polar Vest with
Solid Sky Saphire for my Blue Slot
Shifting Twilight Opal for my Red Slot
Vivid Forest Emerald for my Yellow Slot

That is a total of +229 Stamina (Roughly 2.2k HP), +8 Agility, +8 Hit Rating and +115 Frost Resistance.

The Tier 7 chest that I got is Heroes' Dreamwalker Raiment. If I fill it with Shifting Twilight Opal for my Red Slot and Vivid Forest Emerald for my Yellow Slot, that will give me +114 Stamina (Roughly 1.1k HP), +82 Agility, +8 Hit Rating, +54 Critical Strike Rating, +35 Expertise Rating, +132 Attack Power.

As you can see, that stamina is huge for the Polar Vest but there isn't much to it. With the Tier 7 chest there is a drop off in stam but a huge boost to a lot of other stats. So which would you chose? I could use an opinion. I am new to the whole feral tanking scene so if this seems obvious to you, please share your thoughts.

And for those that are wondering, I was able to purchase my Malfurion's Handgrips of Conquest this week. Now the only gear I have that needs to become "epik lewtz" are my neck, head, wrist and one trinket. So moving right along...

1 comment:

  1. Having tier pieces can be a double-edged sword in my opinion. On the one hand, a "set" could give you very nice boost to dps/threat/healing depending on your class. But, that requires at least two pieces and sometimes, if the two-piece set bonus isn't worth it, it would require at least four. So, one has to decide is the one, single piece, alone worth it? I don't know much about feral tanking (that would be Matheo) but if the stats you are required are the same as mine (i.e. hit, expertise, def, etc.) then I would see if you can use those additional stats from the tier piece first. For my warrior, because he's tanking heroics and raids, he needs those additional stats. But if your still hitting regulars, maybe those stats aren't as high of a priority. A good resource you might want to check out is the forums on There are some good articles on those pages that have helped me be aware of the basic stats needed for tanking heroics and raids.
