Sunday, January 24, 2010


So after a year or so off from playing my druid, I finally got some good news while I was on deployment. You see, I had been wishing and hoping that someday they would allow faction changes because I leveled Nashamire to 70 and raided with him as a Horde Tauren Druid. Well after all my friends I joined WoW to play with stopped playing I decided to roll an Alliance Draenei Pally (Nashette) to play with another of my real life friends Elocine leaving Nashamire in the dust. I always hoped there would be a way that Nashamire was not "thrown by the wayside" but I didn't plan and go back and play with him on the Horde side when none of my friends were around.

Well much to my surprise and excitement, I read while I was on deployment that they started offering faction changes. So I went online while in the middle of the ocean and tranferred servers with Nash, then after that went through faction changed him to the Alliance side. So there he was waiting for me to faction change him on the Azuremyst server when I got home.

So after a few months of messing around with alts, like I always seem to do, I leveled Nashamire to 80 slowly by learning to bear tank from 70-80. I almost strictly leveled from 70-80 in dungeons.What made this interesting was the fact that I was a Boomkin the whole time I was raiding at level 70. So the prospect of something new really renewed my interest in WoW in general. So yesterday, 01.23.2010, I finally got my first level 70 to be my second level 80 and my new main. What a journey it's been for Nashamire and I'm really excited for the things to come as I bear tank my way through Northrend.

I'll be keeping you updated on my thoughts of what I like and don't like about it, and general WoW thoughts as I go along. Hopefully you enjoy it, but if you don't then I guess it's all just for my amusement.

Regardless, here we go...

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