Sunday, July 3, 2011

Simple Advice: Dailies

I’ve never been an in-game tycoon. I used to have to scrounge out enough money from my alts to buy my flasks for weekend raids in WOTLK. I did constant heroics and when you do that you end up making a small amount of money from it and I always was content with that being enough to get me by. I’d walk buy the mount vendor in Dalaran and see his sweet bear mount, then keep walking cause I knew I didn’t have the money for it and if I ever did I would feel like there were better things I could be spending my hard earned gold on.

Recently I was told by my good friend Kierphas that he was finding good ways to make money using his Alchemy/Blacksmithing/Mining/Jewelcrafting toons. Since I missed the first 7 months of cataclysm and have only have been playing it for 3 weeks total now, I only have Inscription and Herbalism maxed out. So I looked into what kind of things Inscriptionist’s have been doing to make money. Glyphs are a tricky market, and I don’t have time to take down my auctions and put them back up everytime someone undercuts me. So I have reduced myself to selling inks and so far it’s been pretty lucrative. So step 1, using my professions to gain revenue, complete.

The best advice he gave me though was the easiest. Do Dailies!

So I decided to set off doing the Tol Borad, Therazane, Fishing and Cooking dailies. I did them everyday I was back before I left for all of June. In that week or two that I did it, I came the conclusion he was right. I was making a lot of money, and although it was a little time consuming, money isn’t all I was gaining from the expenditure. I was gaining marks and reputation with Baradin’s Wardens in Tol Borad which I could later down the line use to buy some very cool items. Then in Therazane I was also gaining rep to exalted to buy shoulder enchants for my toons. Since Fishing is such a hassle to level up normally, I was gaining one (at the least) skill level in it everyday. And of course with the cooking daily I was getting marks to continue buying recipes I could definitely use later. I guess you all probably knew all that, but it’s more fun to write it out anyways. I was basically doing something that gained me revenue and had other incentives later down the line also.

So let me just say, as someone that casually did the argent tournament dailies and only ever became the champion of ONE race. I’m really excited for the new phased dailies in patch 4.2. I got back from my month long underway the day 4.2 hit, and the first thing I did was go out to Hyjal with Nashette and started the Thrall/Go’el quest line.

Before I finish my thought’s on the dailies, let me just chime in on that quest line real fast. It was definitely a pretty epic feeling quest line. All those important figures and me in one place made me really feel part of the overall story. Something that I think gets lost in the monotony sometimes. We aren’t just killing trash mobs repeatedly to get to bosses because it will make our characters better. We do it because there actually IS a story to it all if you take the time to read the quest text and the words that the NPCs in the world around you are saying as you go. So off to release Thrall I went. After the first port when I saw the 0/100 meter on my screen I got a little discouraged. That’s a lot of mobs to kill. Well I was pleasantly surprised to find out that if I dropped a consecrate and got some damage on more than one mob but didn’t kill it personally I still got credit for the kill if someone else did, even if that someone else was on the opposite faction. That made it simple, do damage to mobs and help kill as many as you see and you get lots of credit for it. I can see this being annoying once the shine wears off the new dailies and there aren’t 100 people around doing the same quest as you. But right now if you do it, it’s pretty easy to do. So the last phase was in the Firelands and that’s the annoying one. I, as I’ve seen with quite a few others, was quite annoyed with the fact that people decided this was the perfect place for some world PVP. So as I was consecrating the mobs around the totems you have to “power up” I accidentally got flagged for PVP. Then it was over. Smack! Right in the face, I’m laying facedown in the dirt waiting five minutes for my flag to wear off. This happened twice to me. It was quite annoying when you are just trying to quest, not trying to get ganked by 10 people. Once I stopped doing AOE damage and my flag was gone, I was able to finish the quest. It may have been a bit slower than it could have been, but at least I was able to complete it. Too bad I didn’t get the chance to warn the people around me I kept watching get smacked into the ground. Once you free Thrall you are awarded with some pretty sweet swag. You get to pick between 4 ilevel 365 cloaks. This is a nice upgrade and stop gap til friendly with the Avengers of Hyjal for completing a very epic questline.

But, now it’s back to the phased dailies. Now that I’m actually doing dailies the idea of the Hyjal phased dailies is pretty exciting. All in all it will take me 5 days to get out of phase 1, putting me 2 days behind. If you don’t know, to fully unlock everything for the quest hubs will take 23 days total. The fact that it’s not ALL open right now and you have to work for it is one of the things that I think is really cool about this. It’s not just something you can pick up day one and be in the same place as someone that’s been doing it for a month. You have to work for the gear that they are offering. I know this type of thing has already happened once with the Argent Tournament, but I was on deployment when that was released so I never really got into it to begin with. The other exciting thing about it is the fact that once you get to a certain point, you get to choose which vendor you want to unlock and what gear you want to give yourself access to first. So open a vendor, buy new gear, spend a few more days questing to open up the next vendor. There are vendors to unlock so it will be nice to get to make a choice on what you want to do instead of it all being so linear like most things WoW related.

So with all the new functions and content available in patch 4.2, I’ve been really enjoying the new daily hubs. Then of course there is the new raid tier, new boss in Tol Borad, Dungeon Journal, etc. There’s plenty to talk about, but since I’ve not really got much interaction with those things yet, I’ll leave them for another blog. Maybe this weekend I’ll hit up some Firelands trash if I can find some time. But for now I’ll keep plugging away at those dailies and watching my net worth rise.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Kierphas. Dailies make life much easier sometimes. Especially if you're an instructor with limited free time to play and yet raid through current content. Which of course requires really expensive things like gems, enchants, etc.

    But probably the main reason I like dailies is because it's a great way to unwind at the end of the day. Just a way to veg-out and relax. This is particularly helpful to instructors that have to deal with irritating students all day.


